
按住B,按下左键 Branch
按住p,按下左键 Event beginplay
按住D,按下左键 Delay
按住ctrl,拖动变量至图表中 get virable
按住alt,拖动变量至图表中 set virable
选择结点:ctrl + w 会复制一份到鼠标所在地


  • Select:return the option at index, (first option is indexed at 0)

  • Sequence:Executes a series of pins in order

  • Branch:if Condition is true, execution goes to True, otherwise it goes to False

  • 获取数组中的值, GET:Given an array and an index, returns item(copy or ref)

  • FlipFlop:Allternates between A and B outputs, Starting with A